Various Artists from the Land of Israel At the dawn of this New Millennium, Experience Worship from the Heart of Israel with the Remnant of GOD'S people who live in the Promised Land. Join the Spiritual and Physical Levites as they Worship the LORD in Spirit and in Truth, in Hebrew and in English, in their Culture and in their History. Together, let us Praise the Holy One of Israel. May this Music cause you to Love and Worship ELOHIM. Tracklisting: 01. Te'heeleem (Psalm 95:1-7) 02. Shiru Le' Elohim (Sing to God) 03. Kumah Adonai (Arise O Lord) 04. Elohim Veha' malacheem yashiru (Elohim, And the Angels Sing) 05. Adonai Li, Lo Ira (The Lord is With Me 6.I Will Not Be Afraid) 06. Be'Libi Tzafanti (In My Heart I Have Hidden) 07. Al Chomotayeech Yerushalayim (On Your Walls O Jerusalem) 08. Ke' Ayal Ta'arog (As the Deer Pants) 09. Ma Navu (How Beautiful) 10. Rak Atah Elohim (Only You God) 11. Nachamu Ami (Comfort My People) 12. Be' Mayim Zakim (With Pure Water) 13. Eli Eli (My God, My God) 14. Ets Chayim (Tree of Life) 15. Sh'ma Avinu Kriateinu (Father, Hear Our Cry) 16. Divray Ha' Yamim (2 Chronicles 7:14/Matthew 23:37-39) Language: Hebrew, English Gerne: Messianic Praise & Worship Bitrate: 192 Kbps, Stereo Size: 86.25 MB