Worship in Jerusalem - With King Of Kings Assembly Жанр: Messianic Worship Количество треков: 16 Качество: 190 Kb/s Размер: 84.2 Mb 01 Sh'ma Yisrael 02 Great is the Lord 03 Mi Kamocha Adonai 04 Hal'li Nafshi 05 The Set Time Has Come 06 Ki Ani Yada'ti 07 O God You are My God 08 Out of our Hearts 09 Spirit, Holy One 10 Kol Dodi 11 The Shepherd 12 Come Seek the Lord 13 I Put my Faith in You 14 Shlach Or'cha (Send Your Light) 15 This year in Jerusalem 16 Reprise - Great is the Lord GOD BLESS YOU FROM BOGOTA COLOMBIA (SUDAMERICA)